Credit Card
Payment Mode, Countries and Currencies
Payment Mode |
Countries |
Depends on the licensed area of the financial institution/acquirer. Wirecard Bank, for example, is licensed to process payments globally. |
Currencies |
VISA and MC support basically all currencies. For more information, go to their respective manuals. JCB and UPI require an explicit setup of transaction currencies as part of the acquirer license agreement. |
Communication Formats
This table illustrates how credit card notifications are encoded and which formats and methods can be used for requests and responses.
Requests |
Format |
Methods |
Responses |
Format |
Methods |
IPN Encodement |
Please follow the instructions given at Instant Payment Notification to set up IPN. |
Test Credentials
URL (Endpoint) |
Refer to one of the following tables to complete your test credentials:
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
1b3be510-a992-48aa-8af9-6ba4c368a0ac |
Merchant Account Name |
Wirecard CC/EFT Simu3D no CVC |
Username to access Test Account |
Password to access Test Account |
ohysS0-dvfMx |
Secret Key |
33a67608-9822-43c2-acc1-faf2947b1be5 |
Mobile SDK Applicable |
No |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea |
Merchant Account Name |
Wirecard CC/EFT Simu3D no CVC |
Username to access Test Account |
Password to access Test Account |
8mhwavKVb91T |
Secret Key |
d1efed51-4cb9-46a5-ba7b-0fdc87a66544 |
Mobile SDK Applicable |
Yes |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
33f6d473-3036-4ca5-acb5-8c64dac862d1 |
Merchant Account Name |
Wirecard CC/EFT Simu3D no CVC |
Username to access Test Account |
Password to access Test Account |
8mhwavKVb91T |
Secret Key |
9e0130f6-2e1e-4185-b0d5-dc69079c75cc |
Mobile SDK Applicable |
Yes |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
7a6dd74f-06ab-4f3f-a864-adc52687270a |
Merchant Account Name |
Wirecard CC/EFT Simu3D no CVC |
Username to access Test Account |
Password to access Test Account |
ohysS0-dvfMx |
Secret Key |
a8c3fce6-8df7-4fd6-a1fd-62fa229c5e55 |
Mobile SDK Applicable |
No |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
07edc10b-d3f9-4d12-901f-0db7f4c7e75c |
Merchant Account Name |
Wirecard CC/EFT Simu3D no CVC |
Username to access Test Account |
Password to access Test Account |
8mhwavKVb91T |
Secret Key |
65f1d302-b2ac-4c52-8e31-5cc5351a258b |
Mobile SDK Applicable |
Yes |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
cad16b4a-abf2-450d-bcb8-1725a4cef443 |
Merchant Account Name |
Wirecard CC/EFT Simu3D no CVC |
Username to access Test Account |
Password to access Test Account |
8mhwavKVb91T |
Secret Key |
b3b131ad-ea7e-48bc-9e71-78d0c6ea579d |
Mobile SDK Applicable |
Yes |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
86687a11-3f9b-4f30-be54-8f22998b6177 |
Merchant Account Name |
Merchant-Test-Accounts |
Username to access Test Account |
Password to access Test Account |
8mhwavKVb91T |
Secret Key |
dce5ebea-28f0-4fce-b087-85465a138a83 |
Mobile SDK Applicable |
Yes |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
1d08d0ea-535e-4b1a-b50b-d1591e97b8ea |
Merchant Account Name |
Merchant-Test-Accounts |
Username to access Test Account |
Password to access Test Account |
8mhwavKVb91T |
Secret Key |
1ddab375-08da-4704-83da-36610518efcf |
Mobile SDK Applicable |
Yes |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
ba90c606-5d0b-45b9-9902-9b0542bba3a4 |
Merchant Account Name |
Merchant-Test-Accounts |
Username to access Test Account |
Password to access Test Account |
8mhwavKVb91T |
Secret Key |
b30bf3cc-f365-4929-89e9-d1cbde890f84 |
Mobile SDK Applicable |
Yes |
Payment Solutions
As payment solutions the Wirecard Payment Gateway provides Pay by Link via API and Invoice via Email. They both are currently only used with a Payment Page integration.
You can find
Pay by Link via API at Wirecard Payment Page v1 and Wirecard Payment Page v2
Invoice via Email at Wirecard Payment Page v1
Transaction Types
This section describes Credit Card transaction types that can be used with the Wirecard Payment Gateway. For each transaction type we provide a Credit Card specific introduction. We explain the transaction type’s availability and restrictions. We look at the conditions or preconditions required to process this transaction type.
You get the best knowledge of our transaction types when you send an XML request to our endpoint. We describe the content and structure of these requests in the section "Sending Data". For reference we also provide a response that can be expected. Where applicable we set up a flow of subsequent transaction types (e.g. authorization > capture-authorization). Refer to the complete field list for credit card transactions.
In <statuses>
of the response you will find a number that represents a status code.
Update of Refund Transactions for Mastercard and Visa
Faster, easier refund processing.
No changes in the refund-request (refund-capture, refund-purchase).
Enhanced consumer experience: Successful refunds show up immediately in your consumers' bank statements.
We are updating refund transactions for credit card (Mastercard and Visa).
With the update, the response to a refund-request returns the authorization-code
as follows:
If your refund-request is successful, the
contains a 6-digit value. -
If the issuer declines the refund-request, the
does not contain a value. Please refer tostatuses.status.code
for more details.
In Wirecard Payment Gateways, this feature will be fully functional as of 25 May 2020 for eCommerce, POS and MOTO. The For Mastercard and Visa, the online refund mandate takes effect on 17 July 2020 for all merchants except airlines. The previously scheduled date (17 April 2020) had to be postponed due to the current COVID-19 situation. |
List of Transaction Types
Please read about details for the transaction types authorization, capture-authorization and purchase.
Reserves funds from the cardholder’s account. Typically, the limit ranges from three to thirty days to conduct a capture-authorization, depending on the acquirer and card brand. |
Verifies the card’s validity without leaving an authorized amount. |
Reserves additional funds from the cardholder’s account following an authorization. Typically, the limit ranges from three to thirty days to conduct a capture-authorization, depending on the acquirer and card brand. This transaction type is not included in default configuration. |
Reserves funds from the cardholder’s account. Typically, the limit ranges from three to thirty days to conduct a capture-preauthorization, depending on the acquirer and card brand. Mastercard allows up to 30 days to conduct a capture-preauthorization depending on the configuration. |
Takes funds from the cardholder’s account. Must follow an authorization or authorization-supplementary chain. Typically, a capture-authorization captures either part of or the full authorized amount. If you want to capture an amount higher than initially authorized, your merchant account needs to be configured accordingly (details see overcapturing). |
check-enrollment consists of a single request/response communication that verifies, if the card number is eligible and participates in the 3D program. |
check-payer-response forwards the PARes, which is a digitally signed XML document to WPG for validation. |
check-risk |
Checks the risk profile of the transaction information, without submitting a payment. This transaction type is not included in default configuration. |
credit |
Moves funds from the merchant account to the cardholder’s account. |
enrollment |
Enrolls a credit card for a loyalty program. |
original-credit |
Moves funds to the cardholder’s account, without referring to an eligible purchase or capture (i.e. non-referenced). This transaction type can be used for gambling and non-gambling processes. |
Takes funds from the cardholder’s account. A one-step process to conduct two transaction types: authorization and capture. |
referenced-authorization |
Reserves funds from the cardholder’s account. Identical to a authorization except for the fact that it refers to a previous authorization in the context of recurring transactions. See details for referencing a transaction. |
Takes funds from the cardholder’s account. Identical to a purchase except for the fact that it refers to a previous purchase in the context of recurring transactions. |
Moves funds to the cardholder’s account, referring to an eligible capture. |
Moves funds to the cardholder’s account, referring to an eligible purchase. |
Frees reserved funds from the cardholder’s account due to an authorization or a chain of authorization-supplementary. |
void-authorization-supplementary |
Voids an upwardly adjustment of an existing authorization. |
Frees reserved funds from the cardholder’s account due to a capture. |
void-credit |
Frees reserved funds from the cardholder’s account due to a credit. |
void-original-credit |
Frees reserved funds from the cardholder’s account due to an original-credit. |
Frees reserved funds from the cardholder’s account due to a preauthorization. |
Frees reserved funds from the cardholder’s account due to a purchase. |
void-refund |
Frees reserved funds from the cardholder’s account due to a refund. |
void-refund-capture |
Frees reserved funds from the cardholder’s account due to a refund-capture. |
Frees reserved funds from the cardholder’s account due to a refund-purchase. |
void vs. refund
It is often the case that the merchants must withdraw an online shopping process. When the consumer wants to buy a product or service online, Wirecard Payment Gateway (WPG) initiates a payment process. When the merchants withdraw this process, they can stop the process in two ways. Either with a void or a refund.
A void is only possible as long as no money transfer has been initiated. As soon as WPG has initiated the payment flow to the acquirer the merchants must return the funds to the consumer via a refund process.
Voiding a transaction requires a reference to the transaction that shall be voided.
The void transaction contains a <parent-transaction-id>
that refers to
the <transaction-id>
of the transaction that shall be voided.
Here is an example how to void a capture.
Refunding a transaction requires a reference to the transaction that shall be refunded.
The refund transaction contains a <parent-transaction-id>
that refers
to the <transaction-id>
of the transaction that shall be refunded.
Here is an example how to refund a capture.
OCT Eligibility Check
Wirecard Payment Gateway uses the transaction type authorization-only, to find out whether the card in use is eligible for original credit transactions (OCT). If you want to use this eligibility check contact merchant support for details.
authorization checks the consumer’s account for credibility and reserves a fixed amount of funds. Reservation means that Wirecard Payment Gateway informs the card holder’s issuer about the upcoming transaction. The reservation lasts from three to thirty days, depending on the acquirer and card brand. Within that time the merchants can prepare the selected products or services for shipping. Once the merchants initiate the shipping, they also initiate a capture-authorization which will transfer the authorized amount from the issuer to the acquirer.
authorization, preauthorization or final-authorization The functionality of an authorization as described in this section can also be configured as preauthorization or final-authorization. Which one shall be your choice, strongly depends on your business case, the acquirer and the credit card brand. Please consult your sales representative for details. |
Consumers order a dishwasher for 500 EUR online. authorization checks the consumers' account immediately and reserves 500 EUR. When the merchants start the shipping process, a capture-authorization will transfer the 500 EUR from the consumers' to the merchants' account.
authorization is generally available.
Every authorization request has a time limit depending on the card schemes. The limit refers to the period of time from sending an authorization to sending a capture-authorization. Typically, the limit ranges from three to thirty days, depending on the acquirer and card brand. It is recommended to check the card schemes for details. An authorization may be denied. Some reasons (among others) for the denial are:
The consumer’s credit limit is reached.
The card was blocked.
A fraud case is suspected by the issuer.
The card itself expired.
An authorization reserves funds on the cardholder’s account. It may be followed by a void-authorization or a capture-authorization. As an authorization merely reserves funds there is only a void possible but no refund.
A capture-authorization may be followed by either a void-capture or a refund-capture.
See details for void and refund.
We only list samples for requests and responses. Notifications follow the general structure described in General Platform Features.
Are you using Postman to send the requests?
If yes, you can use the samples as provided below (Request Header and Request Sample).
If no, please replace
with a globally unique ID in<request-id>
In <statuses>
of the response you will find a number that represents a
status code.
If the credit card is used for the first time, the authorization request will contain the clear card data. The first response immediately replaces the explicit card data with a token. The token will be used from then on.
Read how a token replaces the clear credit card data.
Handling clear card data requires a strong degree of PCI DSS compliance. If your PCI DSS compliance is not sufficient, you can use our Wirecard Payment Page v2.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<card-token> data replaces the <card> data in the initial response
when using the credit card for the first time.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
If the credit card is already known to the merchant, the authorization request will not contain the clear card data. It will contain the token data instead.
Read how a token replaces the clear credit card data.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<custom-field field-name="elastic-api.card_id" field-value="dc947622-551b-11e8-a4ae-3cfdfe334962"/>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
A successful authorization response can be followed by a void-authorization (details see void).
A void-authorization request must reference a successful authorization response.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<custom-field field-name="elastic-api.card_id" field-value="dc947622-551b-11e8-a4ae-3cfdfe334962"/>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
<parent-transaction-amount currency="USD">2.500000</parent-transaction-amount>
A capture-authorization transfers an authorized amount from the consumer bank account to the acquirer (merchant’s bank account).
See authorization.
A capture-authorization must be initiated in a defined period of time after a successful authorization (details see authorization).
Captured Amount Typically, a capture-authorization captures either part of or the full authorized amount. |
Overcapturing There is also the option to capture an amount that is up to 40% higher than initially authorized. To enable this option, your merchant account needs to be configured accordingly. Please contact merchant support. |
A capture-authorization follows an authorization.
A void-capture or a refund-capture follows a capture-authorization.
See details for void and refund.
We only list samples for requests and responses. Notifications follow the general structure described in General Platform Features.
Are you using Postman to send the requests?
If yes, you can use the samples as provided below (Request Header and Request Sample).
If no, please replace
with a globally unique ID in<request-id>
In <statuses>
of the response you will find a number that represents a
status code.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<custom-field field-name="elastic-api.card_id" field-value="dc947622-551b-11e8-a4ae-3cfdfe334962"/>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
A successful authorization may be followed by a
void-authorization (details see void).
capture-authorization (details see Referencing by Transaction ID).
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<custom-field field-name="elastic-api.card_id" field-value="dc947622-551b-11e8-a4ae-3cfdfe334962"/>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
<parent-transaction-amount currency="USD">2.500000</parent-transaction-amount>
A successful capture-authorization may be followed by a
void-capture (details see void).
refund-capture (details see refund).
A void-capture request must reference a successful capture-authorization response.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<custom-field field-name="elastic-api.card_id" field-value="dc947622-551b-11e8-a4ae-3cfdfe334962"/>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
<parent-transaction-amount currency="USD">2.500000</parent-transaction-amount>
A refund-capture request must reference a successful capture-authorization response.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">2.50</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<custom-field field-name="elastic-api.card_id" field-value="d37b0e36-d712-11e5-96d8-005056a96a54"/>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
<parent-transaction-amount currency="USD">2.500000</parent-transaction-amount>
purchase transfers the transaction amount without preceding reservation from the consumer directly to the merchant. With this transaction type merchants collect the money immediately while selling goods or providing a service to the consumers. Merchants use purchase in most of the cases to process POS transactions. It is also used for immediate online payments, such as software downloads.
Merchants can also perform recurring payments using the transaction type purchase. The first payment of a recurring payment process starts with the transaction type purchase which is followed by referenced-purchase transactions.
Single Payment
For POS payments, purchase is used when consumers hire a taxi and pay the taxi fare with their credit card. Or the consumers shop in a department store or grocery store and pay at the check out using their credit card.
In an online shopping process, purchase is used when consumers download software, a movie or audio files.
Recurring Payment
When consumers subscribe to a magazine or pay an insurance, they face periodically repeating payments for a certain period of time. When consumers want to pay online, merchants can arrange this type of payment with the transaction type referenced-purchase referencing a purchase transaction.
No restrictions apply to this transaction type. A purchase is generally available.
A void-purchase can stop a successfully completed purchase (merchant received a success purchase notification) as long as the funds transfer has not been initiated. The same logic applies to void a refund-purchase. That means, a void-refund-purchase can stop a refund-purchase. If merchants want to cancel the purchase after the funds transfer was initiated, they must do it with a refund-purchase.
A referenced-purchase is only possible, if there is a preceding
successful purchase transaction to refer to, which contains a
and a <sequence-type>
A purchase can be a stand-alone transaction. It may be followed by a void-purchase, a referenced-purchase or a refund-purchase. A refund-purchase may be followed by a void-refund-purchase.
See details for void and refund.
We only list samples for requests and responses. Notifications follow the general structure described in General Platform Features.
Are you using Postman to send the requests?
If yes, you can use the samples as provided below (Request Header and Request Sample).
If no, replace
with a globally unique ID in<request-id>
In <statuses>
of the response you will find a number that represents a
status code.
If the credit card is used for the first time, the purchase request will contain the explicit card data. The first response immediately replaces the explicit card data with a token. The token will be used from then on.
Read how a token replaces the clear credit card data.
Handling explicit card data requires a strong degree of PCI DSS compliance. If your PCI DSS compliance is not sufficient, you can use our Wirecard Payment Page v2.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">5.01</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<card-token> data replaces the <card> data in the initial response
when using the credit card for the first time.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">5.01</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
If the credit card is already known to the merchant, a token already exists and can be used from the beginning.
Read how a token replaces the clear credit card data.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.01</requested-amount>
<street1>Example Street 1</street1>
<city>Example City</city>
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.01</requested-amount>
<street1>Example Street 1</street1>
<city>Example City</city>
<custom-field field-name="elastic-api.card_id" field-value="dc947622-551b-11e8-a4ae-3cfdfe334962"/>
A successful purchase response can be followed by
a void-purchase (details see void).
a refund-purchase (details see refund).
Recurring transactions can be referenced using
The following sample set describes a flow of recurring purchase
transactions which are connected via <parent-transaction-id>
The Initial Transaction
The initial transaction is a purchase. It contains a <periodic>
= recurring and <sequence-type>
= first.
The Recurring Transactions
There can be multiple recurring transactions. Each recurring transaction
is a referenced-purchase. It contains a <periodic>
= recurring and <sequence-type>
= recurring.
The Final Transaction
The final transaction is a referenced-purchase. It contains a
: <periodic-type>
= recurring and <sequence-type>
The <parent-transaction-id>
of the referenced-purchase is always the
same as <transaction-id>
of the initial purchase.
purchase Request (recurring/first)
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">5.01</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
purchase Response (recurring/first)
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">5.01</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
referenced-purchase Request (recurring/recurring)
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">5.01</requested-amount>
referenced-purchase Response (recurring/recurring)
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">5.01</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
<parent-transaction-amount currency="USD">5.010000</parent-transaction-amount>
referenced-purchase Request (recurring/final)
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">5.01</requested-amount>
referenced-purchase Response (recurring/final)
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">5.01</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
<parent-transaction-amount currency="USD">5.010000</parent-transaction-amount>
A void-purchase must reference a successful purchase response.
A void-purchase shall be used only, if the payment was processed in an online shop and not at a POS. |
We only list field descriptions for requests and responses. Notifications follow the general structure described in General Platform Features.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information" provider-transaction-id="C847532143465422040880"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.01</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<order-detail>Test Product</order-detail>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
Merchants use a refund-purchase to refund a purchase or parts of it after the funds transfer was initiated.
A refund-purchase must reference a successful purchase response.
We only list field descriptions for requests and responses. Notifications follow the general structure described in General Platform Features.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information" provider-transaction-id="C851766143465047366859"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.01</requested-amount>
<street1>123 anystreet</street1>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
A successful refund-purchase response can be followed by a void-refund-purchase (details see void).
With this transaction type you can void a successful refund-purchase until the funds transfer has been triggered.
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
Authorization: Basic NzAwMDAtQVBJTFVITi1DQVJEOjhtaHdhdktWYjkxVA==
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="">
We provide detailed descriptions of all credit card fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" self="">
<merchant-account-id ref="">9105bb4f-ae68-4768-9c3b-3eda968f57ea</merchant-account-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.01</requested-amount>
<street1>Example Street 1</street1>
<city>Example City</city>
<custom-field field-name="elastic-api.card_id" field-value="dc947622-551b-11e8-a4ae-3cfdfe334962"/>
<payment-method name="creditcard"/>
<parent-transaction-amount currency="USD">1.010000</parent-transaction-amount>
This is the general field reference for credit card transactions.
Format: XML
POST requests and responses
We provide the request and the response fields in two separate sections:
The fields are ordered hierarchically and in separate tables. payment
is the top parent element and all fields that are part of payment
are listed in the payment
Some fields listed in this table are complex type fields, e.g. payment.account-holder
. Complex type fields are parents to further fields. We offer separate field tables for all parent elements and their respective fields.
The tables are sorted alphabetically. Use Ctrl + F if you are looking for a specific field. |
For example, payment.account-holder
is a parent of address
. Click on the link in the table to view the fields contained in a complex type field.
Field Definitions
Each field table contains the following columns:
Field definitions may vary by transaction type. Deviations from standard field definitions are given with the respective transaction type. |
XML Elements
Click the X in the respective column for request and response fields.
Please refer to our XSD for the structural relationship between these fields.
Field | Request | Response |
You can find additional payment
fields in the Response > payment
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
36 |
Unique identifier assigned to each merchant account.
Mandatory unless |
M/O |
String |
36 |
Used to resolve the merchant account based on a number of resolving rules. Mandatory unless |
M |
String |
150 |
The identification number of the request. It must be unique for each request. |
M |
Decimal |
18.3 |
The total amount that is requested in a transaction. In the case of a refund, this is what you request. In the case of a chargeback, this is the amount that is being contested. |
M |
String |
3 |
The currency of the requested transaction amount. |
M |
String |
30 |
Determines a transaction’s behavior during transaction processing and merchant settlement, e.g.
O |
String |
64 |
The descriptor is the text representing an order on the consumer’s bank statement issued by their credit card company. |
O |
String |
65535 |
Merchant side order details. |
O |
String |
32 |
The order number which you can provide. |
M/O |
String |
50 |
The ID of the consumer. |
M/O |
String |
36 |
Unique identifier for a preceding transaction. This is mandatory to assign a transaction to a previous one, e.g. to capture a preceding authorization. |
O |
String |
36 |
A unique ID assigned to a group of related transactions. For example, an authorization, capture, and refund will all share the same |
O |
String |
36 |
O |
String |
45 |
The global (internet) IP address of the consumer’s device. |
O |
Enumeration |
7 |
A transfer type of non-gambling Original Credit Transaction (OCT).
O |
String |
256 |
The URL to which the consumer is redirected during payment processing. This is normally a page on your website. Enter a value in the request if you want to send your consumer to a different page than defined in your integration. |
O |
String |
256 |
The URL to which the consumer is redirected after a successful payment. This is normally a success confirmation page on your website. Enter a value in the request if you want to send your consumer to a different page than defined in your integration. |
O |
String |
256 |
The URL to which the consumer is redirected after the payment has been canceled. This is normally a page on your website. Enter a value in the request if you want to send your consumer to a different page than defined in your integration. |
O |
String |
256 |
The URL to which the consumer is redirected after an unsuccessful payment. This is normally a page on your website notifying the consumer of a failed payment, often suggesting the option to try another payment method. Enter a value in the request if you want to send your consumer to a different page than defined in your integration. |
O |
String |
6 |
Code of the language the payment page is rendered in. Typically used in conjunction with Hosted Payment Page. |
O |
Enumeration |
n/a |
Channel through which the account holder information was collected.
O |
Enumeration |
2 |
O |
Enumeration |
Accepted values:
is a child of payment.
With the account-holder
you can provide detailed information about the consumer.
The cardinality of the account-holder fields can vary, depending on the use case. You can find the details below in the description of the individual fields.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
Date |
Consumer’s birth date. |
M/O |
String |
156 |
Consumer’s email address as given in your shop. |
M/O |
String |
32 |
First name of the consumer. |
M/O |
String |
32 |
Last name of the consumer. |
O |
Enumeration |
1 |
Consumer’s gender.
O |
String |
64 |
Consumer identifier in your shop. Requests that contain payment information from the same consumer in the same shop must contain the same string. |
O |
String |
18 |
Mobile phone number provided by the consumer. |
M/O |
String |
18 |
Phone number provided by the consumer. |
O |
String |
18 |
Work phone number provided by the consumer. |
O |
String |
14 |
Consumer’s social security number. |
O |
String |
14 |
This is the tax-number of the consumer. |
is a child of payment.account-holder.
fields are used with 3D Secure 2. With account-info
you can provide detailed information about the consumer. Please provide all the account-info
data in your 3D Secure 2 request to make fraud prevention easier.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
Enumeration |
2 |
Type of consumer login in your shop.
O |
Timestamp |
20 |
Date and time (UTC) of the consumer login to your shop. |
O |
Date |
10 |
Date that the consumer’s card was added to their account in your shop for card-on-file payments (one-click checkout). |
O |
Numeric |
9 |
Number of cards the consumer has attempted to add to their account in your shop for card-on-file payments (one-click checkout) in the past 24 hours. |
O |
Enumeration |
2 |
Specifies whether this transaction shall be subject to Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).
If the element is not provided, the ACS will interpret this as |
O |
Date |
10 |
Registration date (UTC) of the consumer’s account in your shop. |
O |
Date |
10 |
Date that the consumer last changed/reset their password in your shop. |
O |
Number |
9 |
Number of successful orders by the consumer in your shop within the past six months. |
O |
Date |
10 |
Date that the consumer first used this shipping address in your shop. |
O |
Boolean |
Indicates if you know of suspicious activities by the consumer (e.g. previous fraud). |
O |
Number |
9 |
Number of transactions (successful, failed, and canceled) that the consumer has attempted in the past 24 hours. Does not include merchant-initiated transactions. |
O |
Number |
9 |
Number of transactions (successful, failed, and canceled) that the consumer has attempted in the past year. Does not include merchant-initiated transactions. |
O |
Date |
10 |
Date that the consumer last made changes to their account in your shop, e.g. changes to billing and shipping address, new payment account, new email address. |
is a child of
payment.account-holder. The account holder’s address is used as the billing address.
payment.shipping. The account holder can use a different address for shipping.
payment.airline-industry. The address of the ticket issuer.
Data can be provided optionally but it is strongly recommended to provide as much as possible. |
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
50 |
Line 1 of the street of the consumer’s address.
O |
String |
50 |
Line 2 of the street of the consumer’s address.
O |
String |
50 |
Line 3 of the street of the consumer’s address.
M/O |
String |
50 |
City of the consumer’s address.
M/O |
String |
2 |
Country of the consumer’s address.
M/O |
String |
16 |
ZIP/postal code of the consumer’s address.
M/O |
String |
3 |
State/province of the consumer’s address. |
O |
String |
12 |
Block number of the consumer’s billing address. |
O |
String |
3 |
Level (floor) of the consumer’s billing address. |
O |
String |
12 |
Unit of the consumer’s billing address. |
is a child of payment.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
String |
3 |
Agency code assigned by IATA. |
O |
String |
64 |
The agency name. |
O |
String |
3 |
Airline code assigned by IATA. |
O |
String |
64 |
Name of the airline. |
O |
Decimal |
7.2 |
This field must contain the net amount of the purchase transaction in the specified currency for which the tax is levied. Two decimal places are allowed. Use |
O |
String |
3 |
The number of passengers on the airline transaction. |
O |
String |
10 |
The file key of the Passenger Name Record (PNR). This information is mandatory for transactions with AirPlus UATP cards. |
O |
String |
64 |
Email address of the airline transaction passenger. |
O |
String |
45 |
IP Address of the airline transaction passenger. |
O |
String |
32 |
The name of the airline transaction passenger. |
O |
String |
32 |
The phone number of the airline transaction passenger. |
O |
String |
10 |
Passenger name file ID for the airline transaction. |
O |
String |
32 |
The reservation code of the Airline Transaction passenger. |
O |
String |
2 |
Airline ticket check digit. |
O |
Date |
Date the ticket was issued. Format: |
O |
String |
11 |
Airline ticket number, including the check digit. If no airline ticket number (IATA) is used, the element field must be populated with |
O |
Enumeration |
1 |
Indicates that the airline transaction is restricted.
is a child of payment. Audit data is displayed in WEP for each transaction it has been send with.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
String |
30 |
Optional information that references the application or Wirecard Payment Gateway a transaction is processed with. |
O |
String |
128 |
Optional information that identifies the origin/user of the payment request. Audit user is sent by frontend applications referencing the user processing transactions or follow-up operations using the application. |
is a child of payment.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
String |
2048 |
HTTP Accept Header as retrieved from the consumer’s browser in the HTTP request. If the string is longer than 2048, it must be truncated. We strongly recommend to provide this field if you want to prevent rejection from the ACS server. |
O |
Enumeration |
2 |
Dimensions of the challenge window as displayed to the consumer. The ACS replies with content that is formatted to correctly render in this window to provide the best possible user experience.
O |
Number |
2 |
Value representing the bit depth of the color palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel. Obtained from consumer’s browser using the
M/O |
String |
45 |
IP address of the consumer’s browser, obtained by payment page during payment.
O |
Boolean |
Boolean that represents the ability of the consumer’s browser to execute Java. |
O |
String |
8 |
Value representing the browser language as defined in IETF BCP47. |
O |
String |
12 |
Total height and width of the consumer’s screen in pixels. |
O |
String |
5 |
Time difference in minutes between UTC and the local time of the consumer’s browser. Value is returned from the |
O |
String |
256 |
User agent as retrieved from the cardholder’s browser in the HTTP request. We strongly recommend to provide this field if you want to prevent rejection from the ACS server. |
is a child of payment. card
details are sent only in the first transaction request when the card is used for the first time. Due to PCI DSS compliance, card
details are immediately replaced by a token. Beginning with the first response, this token is used for every consecutive transaction (request and response) that is performed
with this credit card. Token data is provided with the card-token element.
Only the transaction type detokenize returns expiration-month , expiration-year and card-type in a response. All the other transaction types return elements of card-token in the response.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
36 |
The embossed or encoded number that identifies the card issuer to which a transaction is to be routed and the account to which it is to be charged unless specific instructions indicate otherwise. In the case of a credit card, this is the primary account number. |
O |
Enumeration |
2 |
The type of account, e.g. for a multi-account card product.
Include this field
Otherwise, the field is optional. |
M/O |
String |
4 |
A security feature for credit or debit card transactions, providing increased protection against credit card or debit card fraud. The card security code is located on the back of credit or debit cards and is typically a separate group of 3 digits to the right of the signature strip. |
M/O |
String |
15 |
Card brand, e.g. Mandatory for credit card transactions. |
M/O |
Numeric |
2 |
The 2-digit representation of the expiration month of the |
M/O |
Numeric |
4 |
The 4-digit representation of the expiration year of the |
M/O |
Boolean |
This flag is set to |
O |
String |
79 |
"Track" of information on a credit card that usually contains credit card number, expiration date and consumer name. |
O |
String |
40 |
"Track" of information on a credit card that usually contains credit card number and expiration date. |
a child of payment.card.
It is used for card present transactions. You can find additional card-emv
fields in the Response > card-emv
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
999 |
The ICC System Related Data field contains information required by the acquirer to complete an EMV transaction with an issuer. The authorization request cryptogram is sent during an authorization request and contains data from the chip card presented. |
M/O |
String |
5 |
is a child of payment.card. card-pin
is used for card present payments.
Consumer’s Personal Identification Number data are always encrypted.
A card present payment process can be initiated by a POS terminal (PIN pad) transaction processed online (and/or offline). The terminal accepts, encrypts and forwards the cardholder’s PIN.
All card-pin fields are mandatory for payment processes with online PIN.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M |
String |
24 |
Encrypted PIN generated by the PIN pad. |
M |
String |
6 |
PIN data encoding method.
M |
String |
5 |
PIN block format according to ISO 9564.
is a child of payment.card.
data is used, when the consumer uses a mobile device in a card present payment process.
For mobile device initiated transactions, there is typically a backend server that integrates to the Wirecard Payment Gateway for payment transactions processing. This is to ensure that the credentials connecting to the gateway are not published in mass consumer devices.
If is submitted, all the other card-raw fields below are mandatory.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
String |
256 |
Encrypted card details directly from card reader. |
M/O |
String |
6 |
Raw card data encoding method.
M/O |
String |
30 |
Raw data format. |
is a child of payment and is the substitute for card. Due to
PCI DSS compliance, card
data must not be sent in payment transactions. The Wirecard Payment Gateway replaces card
immediately with a token in the transaction response for the first use of a credit card.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
String |
36 |
The masked version of |
O |
String |
36 |
Identifier used for the credit card in the external system which is used in mapping to |
M/O |
String |
36 |
The token corresponding to the |
is a child of payment.
is used in OCT non gambling payment processes only.
With this element you can send money to the consumer. This can be the case, if you are
an insurance company and have to pay out money to the consumer (insurance case).
the government and have to pay back taxes.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
35 |
Mandatory for cross-border transactions. |
M/O |
String |
35 |
Mandatory for cross-border transactions. |
O |
String |
19 |
Maximum size for Visa: 16 |
M/O |
String |
20 |
Mastercard: Mandatory |
M/O |
String |
50 |
Mastercard: Optional |
M/O |
String |
25 |
Mastercard: Optional |
M/O |
String |
3 |
Mastercard: Optional |
O |
String |
2 |
Allowed characters:
M/O |
String |
35 |
Mastercard: Mandatory |
M/O |
String |
24 |
Mastercard: Mandatory |
O |
String |
10 |
No specific requirements for Mastercard and Visa. |
M/O |
String |
2 |
Mastercard: Mandatory if sender country is US or Canada. |
is a child of payment.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
String |
8 |
Agent code assigned by IATA. |
O |
String |
3 |
Carrier code assigned by IATA. |
O |
Date |
Cruise departure date also known as the sail date. Format: |
O |
Date |
Cruise return date also known as the sail end date. Format: |
O |
String |
20 |
Name of the city where the lodging property is located. |
O |
String |
10 |
Country code where the lodging property is located. |
O |
String |
100 |
Lodging name booked for the cruise. |
O |
String |
10 |
Region code where the lodging property is located. |
O |
Decimal |
18.2 |
Total cost of the cruise. Use |
O |
Number |
3 |
Duration of the cruise in days. |
O |
String |
100 |
Name of the passenger. |
O |
String |
15 |
Ticket number, including the check digit. |
O |
Enumeration |
10 |
This indicates if the package includes car rental, airline flight, both or neither.
is a child of payment.custom-fields.
In the response > custom-field section you can find examples for ready-to-use custom-field
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
@ |
O |
String |
36 |
Merchant-defined name of the custom field. |
@ |
O |
String |
256 |
Content of the merchant-defined custom field. In this field you can send additional information. |
is a child of payment.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
String |
4096 |
Information collected about a remote computing device for the purpose of identification. Fingerprints can be used to fully or partially identify individual users or devices even when cookies are turned off. |
is a child of
and payment.card.card-raw
are used for card present payments.
All encryption-context fields are mandatory for payment processes with online PIN.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
10 |
Encryption context algorithm. |
M/O |
String |
30 |
Encryption context parameter (hex encoded) to determine the key for decryption. |
M/O |
String |
5 |
Encryption context padding. |
M/O |
String |
40 |
Encryption context value. |
M/O |
String |
3 |
Encryption context version. |
is a child of
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
Number |
2 |
For prepaid and gift card purchase only. Identifies individual gift cards. Information about up to 10 gift cards can be sent in one request. |
O |
Decimal |
18.2 |
For prepaid and gift card purchase only. The amount paid with a specific gift card. The field allows decimal values (e.g. 10.50). |
O |
String |
3 |
For prepaid and gift card purchase only. The ISO 4217 three-digit currency code of the gift card. |
For card present transactions.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
String |
15 |
Merchant identifier for card present device processing. |
M |
String |
16 |
Terminal identifier for card present device processing. |
M |
String |
4 |
Specifies the method by which the PAN was entered, according to the first two digits of the ISO 8583:1987 POS Entry Mode. |
O |
String |
5 |
Max. terminal PIN length. |
is a child of payment.
It is used with loyalty programs.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
36 |
VOP: Unique ID which is returned in the response of Enroll Card. The Mandatory for MCLS Enroll Card or VOP Add Card. You cannot send it in a VOP Enroll Card. |
O |
String |
36 |
Promotional code associated with the enrollment of the consumer. Issuer sets the loyalty program promotion code to upper case upon receipt. |
M/O |
String |
36 |
The issuer bank provides this code. |
is a child of payment.notifications.
is used to set up Instant Payment Notification (IPN). It is highly recommended to use IPN. IPN informs you about the outcome of the individual payment processes. By including notification
in the request you can overwrite the merchant account configuration.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
String |
12 |
Status of a transaction that triggers an Instant Payment Notification. |
O |
String |
256 |
URL to be used for the instant payment notification. Overwrites the notification URL set during merchant configuration. |
is a child of payment.order-items. This is a field for order’s items. You fill in the content. Order item amount always includes tax. Tax can be specified either by tax-amount or by tax-rate.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
Number |
Item’s price per unit. |
O |
String |
EAN or other article identifier for you. |
O |
String |
Name of the item in the basket. |
O |
Number |
Total count of items in the order. |
O |
Number |
Item’s tax rate per unit. |
is a child of payment.payment-methods. The element payment-method
specifies the payment method used for a transaction.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M |
String |
15 |
Name of the payment method selected by the consumer, e.g. |
O |
String |
256 |
The URL to be used for proceeding with the payment process on provider side. |
is a child of payment.
references recurring transactions such as payments of a subscription or an installment.
For all recurring payments the fields periodic-type
and sequence-type
must be provided with a value.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
Number |
3 |
Indicates the maximum number of authorizations permitted for installment payments. Mandatory only for installment payments with |
M/O |
Enumeration |
9 |
Indicates the recurring payment type.
M/O |
Date |
10 |
Date after which recurring payments with this card are no longer allowed. Accepted format: YYYY-MM-DD. Mandatory only for installment payments with |
M/O |
Number |
4 |
Indicates the minimum number of days between individual authorizations. Mandatory only for recurring payments (installments or subscriptions) with |
M/O |
Enumeration |
9 |
Indicates the phase of a recurring transaction.
is a child of payment.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
O |
Enumeration |
2 |
The consumer is placing an order for merchandise that is not yet available and will be released in the future.
O |
String |
254 |
The consumer’s email address used for electronic delivery of digital goods. |
O |
Enumeration |
2 |
The approximate delivery time.
O |
Date |
10 |
Expected shipping date for pre-ordered goods. |
O |
Enumeration |
2 |
Specifies whether the consumer has previously ordered the same item.
is a child of airline-industry.itinerary and cruise-industry.itinerary. Itinerary segment data is used e.g. within airline industry and cruise industry to specify itineraries of the flight.
Up to 99 itinerary segments can be defined.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
3 |
The arrival airport code of the Itinerary Segment. IATA assigns the airport codes. Mandatory if itinerary is provided. |
M/O |
String |
32 |
The arrival city code of the Itinerary Segment. IATA assigns the airport codes. Mandatory if itinerary is provided. |
M/O |
String |
The arrival date for a given leg. Mandatory, if itinerary is provided. Format: |
M/O |
String |
2 |
The 2-letter airline code (e.g. |
M/O |
String |
3 |
The departure airport code. IATA assigns the airport codes. Mandatory if itinerary is provided. |
M/O |
String |
32 |
The departure City Code of the Itinerary Segment. IATA assigns the airport codes. Mandatory, if itinerary is provided. |
M/O |
Date |
The departure date for a given leg. Mandatory, if itinerary is provided. Format: |
O |
String |
3 |
Used to distinguish between First Class, Business Class and Economy Class, but also used to distinguish between different fares and booking. |
O |
String |
6 |
Represents a specific fare and class of service with letters, numbers, or a combination of both. |
O |
String |
6 |
The flight number of the itinerary segment. |
O |
Enumeration |
1 |
Accepted values:
O |
Decimal |
18.6 |
The amount of the value added tax levied on the transaction amount in the specified currency. |
tax-amount/@currency |
O |
String |
3 |
The currency of the value added tax (VAT) amount levied on the transaction amount. |
is a child of payment. For 3D Secure 2 transactions it is highly recommended to send shipping
data in any case, as a complete set of shipping
data reduces the likelihood of a challenge.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
32 |
The first name given in the consumer’s shipping information. |
M/0 |
String |
32 |
The last name given in the consumer’s shipping information. |
O |
String |
32 |
Phone number given in the consumer’s shipping information. |
O |
String |
64 |
Email address given in the consumer’s shipping information. |
O |
String |
36 |
Company that handles the return delivery. |
O |
String |
64 |
The delivery tracking number of the return. |
O |
String |
2000 |
URL for tracking the delivery of the return. |
O |
String |
64 |
Company that delivers the order to the recipient. |
O |
Enumeration |
The shipping method chosen by the consumer.
O |
String |
64 |
The shipping tracking number. |
O |
String |
2000 |
URL for tracking the shipping. |
is a child of payment. sub-merchant-info
fields are required for the Payment Facilitator. If you want to use sub-merchant-info
, all the fields in this table are mandatory in the first request of a transaction flow. We recommend to send sub-merchant-info
with each transaction step during the payment process. Otherwise, some transactions cannot be completed successfully.
is an exception. See state
description for details.
sub-merchant-info fields may only contain standard ASCII characters.
Field | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
36 |
Unique ID of the sub-merchant. |
M/O |
String |
64 |
Sub-merchant’s name |
M/O |
String |
3 |
Country in which the sub-merchant is located. |
M/O |
String |
32 |
Mandatory if |
M/O |
String |
32 |
City in which the sub-merchant is located. |
M/O |
String |
38 |
Street in which the sub-merchant is located. |
M/O |
String |
16 |
Postal code of the sub-merchant’s address. |
M/O |
String |
8 or 11 |
Unique identifier of the Payment Facilitator.
For details contact Merchant Support. |
is a child of payment. Additional fields can be found in the response > three-d section.
Fieldname | M/O | Data Type | Size | Description |
M/O |
String |
2048 |
Issuer URL. You need to direct the enrollment-check request via the cardholder’s browser to this URL. It is returned only if the cardholder is enrolled in the 3D Secure program. |
O |
String |
1 |
Indicates that the transaction request should proceed with the 3D Secure 1 workflow if the consumer is enrolled. Otherwise, the transaction proceeds without 3D Secure 1. This field is used for transactions with the Hosted Payment Page (Wirecard Payment Page v1). |
M/O |
String |
1 |
Status of the 3D Secure check. |
M/O |
String |
1024 |
A cryptographic value generated by the issuer. Used for
Mandatory for 3D Secure 2 payments. |
M/O |
String |
36 |
Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the Directory Server to identify a single transaction. |
M/O |
String |
2 |
Indicates the status of the VERes. |
M/O |
String |
16000 |
A base64-encoded request message created for cards participating in the 3D Secure program. The PaReq is returned by the issuer’s ACS via the VISA or Mastercard directory to the Wirecard Payment Gateway and from there passed on to you. |
M/O |
String |
2048 |
Issuer URL. You need to direct the enrollment-check request via the consumer’s browser to this URL. It is returned only if the cardholder is enrolled in the 3D Secure program. |
O |
Enumeration |
2 |
Indicates the type of 3RI request.
O |
String |
36 |
Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS server to identify a single transaction. |
O |
String |
Mapping of EMVCo error messages to Wirecard Payment Gateway messages. |
O |
Enumeration |
5 |
Identifies the version of 3D Secure authentication used for the transaction.
Uses default value |
M/O |
String |
36 |
The unique transaction identifier. |
Here you can find the payment
element fields which are sent in the response only.
Field | Data Type | Size | Description |
String |
36 |
This is the unique identifier for a transaction. |
String |
12 |
This is the status of a transaction. |
Timestamp |
20 |
This is the timestamp of completion of request. |
String |
24 |
This is the result of address validation. |
String |
1 |
Code indicating Card Verification Value (CVC/CVV) verification results.
String |
36 |
The API ID is always returned in the notification. |
String |
256 |
The instrument country retrieves the issuer country of a certain credit card. It returns a two-digit country code, such as
is a child of payment.
The Address Verification System (AVS) is an advanced credit card security service that is integrated in the Wirecard credit card processing network to help thwart identity theft. When a user makes an online purchase with a credit card, their billing address is required. The house number and postal code of the billing address is compared to the billing address held on file by the card issuing bank. If the address does not match, the transaction can be declined. AVS is an on-demand service which is configured by Wirecard.
See the complete list of the Wirecard Response Codes.
Field | Data Type | Size | Description |
String |
5 |
AVS result code. |
String |
256 |
AVS result message. |
String |
5 |
AVS provider result code. |
String |
256 |
AVS provider result message. |
is a child of payment.
It is used with the issuers' loyalty programs.
is a child of payment
Field | Data Type | Size | Description |
String |
50 |
Name of the card issuer.
is a child of payment.custom-fields.
Wirecard can configure custom-field
for you. For possible field values see the following selected examples. If you need the values of other card products, please contact our Merchant Support.
As the fields ─ shown here ─ are already defined, Datatype and Size information is not necessary. Please refer to custom-field for details. |
Field | Description |
Accepted values:
For possible response values, see the following selected examples. If you need the values of other card products, please contact our Merchant Support. Visa:
Possible response values:
a child of the request element payment.card.
It is used for card present transactions. Here we show the response fields of card-emv
Field | Data Type | Size | Description |
String |
999 |
The ICC System Related Data field contains information from an issuer to the acquirer to complete the EMV transaction. The authorization response cryptogram is sent in an authorization response and contains data from the issuer to be verified by the card. |
String |
5 |
Encoding method of the response EMV data. |
is a child of payment.
It is used with the issuers' loyalty programs.
is a child of payment
Field | Data Type | Size | Description |
String |
36 |
The loyalty program assigns an ID for the consumer’s card account. |
String |
36 |
The issuer bank supplies a unique ID for a consumer’s account. |
is a child of payment.statuses.
informs you about the result of the previously sent request. They can use this information to redirect consumers to the respective response page (success page or failure page).
Field | Data Type | Size | Description |
@code |
String |
12 |
This is the code of the status of a transaction. |
@description |
String |
256 |
This is the description of the status code of a transaction. |
@severity |
Enumeration |
20 |
This field gives information about the severity. It can be either |
is a child of payment.
Field | Data Type | Size | Description |
String |
2048 |
Liability shift can be enabled for 3D Secure consumers. |
Payment Features
Tokenization defines a process through which sensitive data, such as credit card number, is replaced with a surrogate value known as a "token". This token serves as a reference or surrogate value for the original credit card data.
Tokenization enables the merchant to use credit card data based on PCI DSS regulations, during a payment process.
It is a service provided by Wirecard for its customers. The token, generated by Wirecard, reduces the merchant’s PCI DSS Scope. That means, merchants do not have to store sensitive primary account numbers.
There are two options of using tokenization:
Sending a Credit Card Transaction with Credit Card Data:
Wirecard Payment Gateway takes the credit card data and encrypts the data. These data are stored in a secured encrypted area inside Wirecard Data Warehouse and are for use only in the encrypted state and secured environment.
In other words: Every card number that accompanies a transaction in Wirecard Payment Gateway is subsequently tokenized. Regardless of the outcome of the transaction, any subsequent transaction with these credit card data uses its assigned token instead of the clear card account values. This means the merchant system never needs to store the sensitive card information, helping to reduce PCI DSS compliance issues. -
Sending an Explicit Request with the Transaction Type Tokenize or Detokenize.
A transaction with this transaction type encrypts or decrypts credit card data for later reuse. The sender only gets back a token-ID. This token-ID can be reused many times as unique identifier for this specific credit card without sending or storing credit card data on shop side.
What is the difference between these two options?
Sending a Credit Card Transaction with Credit Card Data | Sending an Explicit Request with the Transaction Type tokenize or detokenize |
always initiates a payment process and encrypts credit card data |
encrypts credit card data only |
does not initiate a payment process |
The merchant sends an initial request to Wirecard Payment Gateway.
This could be an authorization, for example. This request contains all
data concerning the goods, shipping etc, as well as the consumer’s
credit card data.
After the request of an authorization transaction was processed
successfully, the response will not contain the information of the
Credit Card <data> tag. The <data> tag will be replaced with
a token-id in the <card-token> tag. As soon as
the token-id is created, the token-id represents this
special credit card.
With that token-id any recurring or other follow up transaction
for this special credit card can be processed. As there is no additional
encryption required, the use of the token-id reduces interaction
and accelerates the credit card payment process. Especially from PCI DSS
perspective, it is less critical.
e.g. A capture-authorization as follow up transaction in the workflow does not need the <data> tag of the Credit Card but only the token-id.
When using credit card, Wirecard Payment Gateway offers two different options to reference transactions. It depends on the merchant’s individual business needs and business processes, which type of referencing should be used.
Look at the following table to understand the pros and cons of referencing with a token or with the parent-transaction-id.
parent-transaction-id | token-id | |
Pro |
Can be used for all alternative payment methods and credit card. |
Recurring transactions can always reference to a FIRST transaction. |
Once created, the token can be reused as often as needed. |
Referencing is possible to a previous transaction during the life cycle of a payment process. |
Credit card check is only performed once (with the first transaction). Makes the payment process faster. |
Reference is possible even on older transactions. |
Reference is valid ad long as the credit card is valid. |
Con |
Referencing only within one life cycle of a payment process. |
Can only be used with credit card. |
When used with credit card all card checks have to be performed with every new transaction step. |
If card has expired, new token will be needed, even if the card number remains the same. |
When processing credit card transactions, the merchant must be PCI DSS compliant. |
If the merchant only hands through a payment process (using a token) and does not store card holder data, it reduces the merchant’s applicable controls required for PCI DSS validation.
If the merchant wants to store card holder data (using
), it increases the merchant’s applicable controls
required for PCI DSS validation.
The following table describes, which data can be stored and which data must not be stored to be PCI DSS compliant.
Data Element |
Storage permitted? |
Data needs to be unreadable (in line with PCI DSS requirements)? |
Account Data |
Card holder data |
Primary Account Number (PAN) |
Card holder name |
NO |
Service code |
NO |
Expiration date |
NO |
Sensitive Authentication Data |
Full track data |
NO |
Doesn’t apply |
NO |
Doesn’t apply |
PIN/PIN Block |
NO |
Doesn’t apply |
Referencing by token-id
Referencing based on a token can be performed by using the Field
With that feature it is possible to refer a NEW transaction to an
already submitted initial transaction. In the initial transaction the
cluster of the <card>
tag will be summarized in a token-id.
This token-id will be used in any subsequent transaction, which is
based on this initial transaction. The token-id can be seen as a
black box which guarantees a correct correlation of subsequent
transactions without transmitting the complete card data repeatedly.
Transaction Sequence |
Transaction Type |
Token-ID |
<card-token> |
Token Definition |
Value |
Initial transaction (Request) |
authorization |
the |
1234567890987654 |
empty |
Response on initial transaction |
authorization |
uses token-id value generated from |
1234567890987654 |
Any subsequent transaction of this initial transaction |
purchase |
uses token-id value generated from |
1234567890987654 |
See the samples for an overview of a payment process consisting of the transaction types authorization and purchase using a token.
The transaction type tokenize converts credit card information into a token that can be used in subsequent payment transactions, instead of the actual credit card information.
The following fields must be sent either in the request or the response (M = Mandatory, O = Optional). For details of the affected fields see the field table.
Field | Request | Response |
merchant-account-id |
M |
M |
transaction-id |
M |
request-id |
M |
M |
transaction-type |
M |
ip-address |
O |
statuses.status |
M |
status@code |
M |
status@description |
M |
status@severity |
M |
account-holder.first-name |
O |
M |
account-holder.last-name |
O |
M | |
O |
M |
account-holder.gender |
O |
M | |
O |
M | |
O |
M |
card.account-number |
M |
card.expiration-month |
M |
card.expiration-year |
O |
card.card-type |
M |
card-token.token-id |
M |
card-token.token-ext-id |
O |
card-token.masked-account-number |
O |
For transaction process details see the Tokenize samples.
The transaction type detokenize is the inverse of the transaction type tokenize. With the transaction type detokenize a token-id is provided to retrieve the original credit card information.
The following fields must be sent either in the request or the response (M = Mandatory, O = Optional). For details of the affected fields see the field table.
Field | Request | Response |
merchant-account-id |
M |
M |
transaction-id |
M |
request-id |
M |
M |
transaction-type |
M |
ip-address |
O |
statuses.status |
M |
status@code |
M |
status@description |
M |
status@severity |
M |
account-holder.first-name |
M |
O |
account-holder.last-name |
M |
O | |
M |
O |
account-holder.gender |
M |
O | |
M |
O | |
M |
O |
card.account-number |
M |
card.expiration-month |
M |
card.expiration-year |
O |
card.card-type |
M |
card-token.token-id |
M |
M |
card-token.token-ext-id |
O |
O |
card-token.masked-account-number |
O |
For transaction process details see the detokenize samples.
The transaction type detokenize is not included in default configuration. For further information please contact: |
Dynamic Descriptor
With the Dynamic Descriptor, merchants can itemize sales more clearly to the benefit of their customers, back office and consumer care management.
As merchants can add sales-specific information to electronic settlement requests, consumers have a better understanding of what they purchased. This increases their level of satisfaction and reduces the number of chargebacks. Known as a dynamic descriptor, the details can be included in any settlement transaction, be it e-commerce, POS or MOTO.
Merchant Name and Merchant Location are usually displayed on the cardholder’s bank statement. These fields or parts of them are used for presenting the dynamic data on the cardholder’s statement.
Apart from such static data, the merchant can add transaction information to better reference their sales. For example, the merchant may use invoice number, booking ID or transaction ID. This data is typically passed along to the merchant. As this field has a fixed length, the longer the merchant name is, the smaller the number of digits allocated to dynamic information will be.
Digits Allocation
Card Brand |
Field |
Digits |
Name |
25 |
Location |
13 |
Master Card |
Name |
22 |
Location |
13 |
Name |
25 |
Location |
13 |
Merchants are advised to consider all these parameters before setting a dynamic descriptor, because any text exceeding the permissible length is cut off and discarded. |
Please be aware that industry-specific restrictions apply by card schemes.
Please also note that it is up to the issuer to decide which data provided in the dynamic descriptor is printed on the cardholder’s statement. Wirecard can thus not guarantee that the dynamic descriptor data submitted to the issuers via the scheme networks is fully printed on the cardholder’s statement.
Wirecard Bank (WDB) receives the transaction data from the Wirecard Payment Gateway, looks up the merchant address, consolidates static address details and dynamic sales data (including Merchant Name and Merchant Location) and routes the information along with the settlement request to the issuer. To what level the routed details will later appear on the customer’s card statement may vary from issuer to issuer.
When a merchant sends a transaction request with a dynamic descriptor, the data provided in the reserved transaction field tag expands the address information registered in the card acquirer’s MID database.
The dynamic descriptor is created for settlement transaction types such
as purchase , capture or credit . authorization is not supported.
The consumer shops at the merchant’s site and enters his card details at checkout.
The merchant system records the data and posts an XML request with the default identifiers including the descriptor text (entered in one of the <Transaction-ID>, <Order Number>, <Request ID> or <Descriptor> tag) to the Wirecard Payment Gateway.
Wirecard Payment Gateway processes the request and forwards the transaction details to the acquirer (e.g. Wirecard Bank).
The acquirer acquires the card and sales details, reads the related identifier values, looks up the merchant’s name and business details in the MID database and complements the merchant data with the data sent in one of the transaction identifier tag fields.
The aquirer routes the settlement request including the dynamic text to the issuer.
The issuer processes the request, debits the consumer’s account and adds a new debit item with the dynamic descriptor to the credit card statement.
Payment Facilitator
The Payment Facilitator model allows a Payment Service Provider with a Payment Facilitator license to aggregate credit card payments, collect funds resulting from credit card traffic and settle sub merchants directly.
Requests in Payment Facilitator traffic require additional sub
merchant information in the
tag of each first request in the transaction flow (e.g.
, authorization-only
, authorization
The sub merchant information is mandatory for MasterCard, Visa, UPI and JCB traffic.
For each transaction flow the first request must contain sub-merchant-info . For the following steps sub-merchant-info is not
mandatory. We recommend to send sub-merchant-info in every step. This avoids complexity in implementation.
For details contact Merchant Support.
Recurring Transaction
To submit a
recurring transaction
the merchant must submit a request with the transaction
type authorization-only
, authorization
or purchase
element and a
Aside from the standard Periodic Types, Credit Card can also be used
with the Periodic Types ucof
and ci
The Unscheduled Credential on File (ucof) allows the merchant to
reference a regularly based transaction (like an unlimited periodic
payment or an installment payment) to an already successfully submitted
transaction. ucof
is a transaction using a stored credential for a
fixed or variable amount that does not occur on a scheduled or regularly
occurring transaction date, where the cardholder has provided consent
for the merchant to initiate one or more future transactions. An example
of such transaction is an account auto-top up transaction.
The periodic type ci
(Consumer Initiated) allows the merchant to
identify that the cardholder himself initiated the transaction and
whether this is an initial (first) or subsequent (recurring) one. As
soon as this is subsequent merchant initiated transaction (e.g. the
cardholder used an account on merchant side ) and the corresponding
information is sent to Wirecard Payment Gateway, CVV could be omitted
within the transaction and Visa will still approve it. So this will lead
to higher approve rate in the future.
Read, which restrictions have to be met to use a recurring transaction.
See request/response samples for Recurring Transaction.
Shopping Online/Via an App
Establish Stored Credential/First Transaction
Cardholder consent is obtained:
set totrue
Cardholder provides the Credit Card data including CVV/CVC2 code (required):
periodic/periodic-type = 'ci'
included in the transaction andperiodic/sequence-type = 'first'
Merchant sends the transaction to Wirecard Payment Gateway
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.02</requested-amount>
Subsequent Cardholder Initiated Purchase
Cardholder consent is obtained:
set totrue
Cardholder data is saved within a cardholder’s account (CVV is not required)
Cardholder uses the account to make a purchase:
periodic/periodic-type = 'ci'
included in the transaction andperiodic/sequence-type = 'recurring'
Merchant sends the transaction to Wirecard Payment Gateway
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.02</requested-amount>
Guest Account/Single Transaction
Since Cardholder doesn’t create a account, Cardholder data is not being saved: the default value for
Cardholder provides the Credit Card data including CVV/CVC2 code (required)
Merchant sends the transaction to Wirecard Payment Gateway
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.02</requested-amount>
Recurring (R) or Installment (I) Transaction
First Recurring or Installment
Cardholder consent is obtained:
set totrue
Cardholder would like to initiate Recurring or Installment payments
Cardholder provides the Credit Card data including CVV/CVC2 code:
periodic/periodic-type = 'installment'
included in the transaction andperiodic/sequence-type = 'first'
Merchant sends the transaction to Wirecard Payment Gateway
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.02</requested-amount>
Subsequent Recurring or Installment
Merchant Initiated Transaction
Merchant initiates a subsequent Recurring or Installment payment:
periodic/periodic-type = 'installment'
included in the transaction andperiodic/sequence-type = 'recurring'
Merchant sends the transaction to Wirecard Payment Gateway
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.02</requested-amount>
Example: auto-top up for transit or mobile - date is irregular, i.e. not known as usage driven
Cardholder consent is obtained:
set totrue
Cardholder would like to initiate ucof payments
Cardholder provides the Credit Card data including CVV/CVC2 code:
periodic/periodic-type = 'ucof'
included in the transaction andperiodic/sequence-type = 'first'
Merchant sends the transaction to Wirecard Payment Gateway
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.02</requested-amount>
Merchant Initiated Transaction
Merchant initiates a subsequent UCOF payment:
periodic/periodic-type = 'ucof'
included in the transaction andperiodic/sequence-type = 'recurring'
Merchant sends the transaction to Wirecard Payment Gateway
<payment xmlns="">
<requested-amount currency="USD">1.02</requested-amount>
In an offline transaction process it is possible to have a
non-referenced capture authorization. The Wirecard Payment Gateway can
support such a type of transaction when using a special
Credit Card transaction.
A transaction is considered non-referenced capture when it meets all the following four conditions in the payment XML request:
The transaction type is
is Credit Card -
is empty (no tag present) -
is present (can have empty value)
If all conditions are met, then the transaction is sent to Wirecard Payment Gateway.
The most exceptional fact in this process is, that it is missing the
Parent-Transaction-ID. By default capture-authorization
takes most
of its properties from the parent transaction.
Even though no parent transaction is available, captures which have not
been referenced by Wirecard Payment Gateway can be processed. Cases
like this will be handled a non-referenced capture-authorization
transaction type. In that case all fields must be supplied with the
capture-authorization request.
Account Updater is a feature facilitating recurring credit card payments. It informs the merchant about changes of cardholders' credit card details.
It saves the cardholders the hassle of manually updating credit card details for each individual subscription. All types of recurring credit card payments can continue seamlessly even if
the cardholder’s credit card has expired.
the cardholder has a new credit card.
Furthermore, Account Updater informs the merchant when
a credit card account is closed.
the cardholder withdraws the authorization for their credit card to be charged.
they need to contact the cardholder for clarification.
You must have an existing commercial agreement with the cardholder to receive these updates. |
Account Updater also covers brand flips between these two.
Recurring payments need a transaction-id
of a preceding transaction to refer to (i.e. parent-transaction-id
). If credit card details change, Account Updater updates the corresponding transaction-id
and returns the updated transaction-id
to the merchant.
To activate and configure Account Updater, contact merchant support.
Updating account information requires action on the merchant side (step 1 and step 6):
Upload request file:
Log in to the SFTP server with your SFTP credentials. If you do not have the appropriate URL or credentials, contact merchant support.
Open folder
. If there is noFLIX
folder, contact merchant support.
folder contains two customized subfolders:from …
andto …
. -
Open subfolder
from …
. -
Open subfolder
. -
Upload the request file to the SFTP server.
- 4. Account Updater retrieves the request file from the SFTP server and updates it with scheme data, which are continuously updated by the issuers. This may take up to 3 days.
Account Updater exports the response file to the
/to …
subfolder and sends a notification email to the merchant. -
Log in to the SFTP server with your SFTP credentials. Open subfolder
/to …
to download the response file.
Both the request file and the response file are plain text files without extension.
The fields within the files are seperated by ;
. All fields are mandatory, unless otherwise indicated.
Default encoding is UTF-8.
The request file contains original transaction-id
The request file name must have a specific format:
e.g. AU.REQ.ID000000317588D017.D191015.S001
Request File Syntax:
Header line syntax (line 1):
H;MAID;batch-ID;email;Merchant Proprietary Info
Indicates a header line. -
Merchant Account ID -
Internal merchant file ID used to match request and response files. -
Once the response file is ready to be downloaded, or if the request file is invalid, Account Updater sends a notification email to the address entered here.
The email address in the request file can differ from the default email address configured at Account Updater setup. -
Merchant Proprietary Info
Optional field. Contains any information you want to be included in the request header. It will be mirrored in the response.
Detail lines syntax (records):
D;rfu;rfu;rfu;transacion-id;rfu;Merchant Proprietary Info Detail
Indicates a detail line. -
Reserved for future use. Must be left blank. -
Retrieved from an existing transaction. Thistransaction-id
will be checked by Account Updater and supplemented with a newtransaction-id
if credit card details have changed. -
Merchant Proprietary Info Detail
Optional field. Contains any information you want to be included in the record. It will be mirrored in the response.
Indicates a footer line. -
Total number of lines (including header, details and footer).
Sample Request File (Success):
H;000000317588D017;123;;ProprietaryInformation for this batch
Sample Request File (Error):
H;6787AD3256EA;1234;;ProprietaryInformation for this batch
D;;;;;;ProprietaryInformation for this record
D;;;;C0992801501001007160912;;ProprietaryInformation for this record
The response file has the same name as the corresponding request file, only with "REQ" replaced by "RES":
AU.RES.ID<MAID>.D<YYMMDD>.S<3-digit seq #>
It contains
information (i.e. information on credit card details changes) in case of success. -
response codes, describing the credit card details changes in case of success.
error messages, describing the error reason (e.g. missing transaction-id) in case of failure.
Response File Syntax:
Header line syntax (line 1):
H;MAID;batch-ID;email;Merchant Proprietary Info
Indicates a header line. -
Merchant Account ID -
Internal merchant file ID used to match request and response files. -
Specified only in case of an error. -
Merchant Proprietary Info
Optional field. Contains any information you want to be included in the request header. It will be mirrored in the response.
If a record is invalid (e.g. invalid or missing transaction-id ), Account Updater creates a response error file that contains all invalid records (see error handling). In this case, the response error file header contains also the email address to which Account Updater sent the notification that an error occured. |
Detail lines syntax (records):
D;rfu;rfu;rfu;rfu;transacion-id;rfu;rfu;rfu;rfu;new-transaction-id;response-code;rfu;Merchant Proprietary-Info
Indicates a detail line. -
Reserved for future use. -
Retrieved from an existing transaction. Thistransaction-id
will be checked by Account Updater and supplemented with thenew-transaction-id
if credit card details have changed. -
retrieved from updated credit card details. Use thistransaction-id
to reference to in recurring payments. -
: Valid credit card. No changes. -
: Update: Match made, credit card replaced. -
: Contact: Match made, credit card canceled. -
: Expiry: Match made, expiration date updated. -
: Unknown VISA credit card number - participating BIN/issuer. -
: Unknown VISA credit card number - non-participating BIN/issuer. -
: Unknown Mastercard credit card number. -
: Contact the cardholder for additional account information.
Merchant Proprietary Info:
Optional field. Contains any information you want to be included in the record. Mirrored from request.
If a record is invalid (e.g. missing transaction-id ), Account Updater does not return a response-code . Instead, an error message is appended to the end of the line.
The footer has the same syntax as in the request file.
Sample Response File (Success):
H;000000317588D017;123;ProprietaryInformation for this batch