eps-Überweisung is a type of Online Bank Transfer.
Countries and Currencies
Countries |
AT, DE (giropay interoperability) |
Currencies |
Communication Formats
This table illustrates how eps-Überweisung notifications are encoded and which formats and methods can be used for requests and responses.
Requests/Responses |
Format |
Methods |
IPN Encodement |
Base64 |
Bank Austria
Erste Bank und Sparkassen
Raiffeisen Bankengruppe Österreich
Volksbank Gruppe
Oberbank AG
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International AG
HYPO NOE LB für Niederösterreich u. Wien
Hypo Tirol Bank AG
Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG
HYPO Oberösterreich,Salzburg,Steiermark
HYPO-BANK BURGENLAND Aktiengesellschaft
Österreichische Ärzte- und Apothekerbank
Bankhaus Carl Spängler & Co.AG
Bankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera AG
Easybank AG
Schoellerbank AG
Sparda Bank Wien
Volkskreditbank AG
Austrian Anadi Bank AG
Capital Bank Grawe Gruppe AG
Brüll Kallmus Bank AG
Marchfelder Bank
Transaction Types
For transaction type details which are not given here, look at Transaction Types.
Transaction Type | Description | Link to samples |
get-url |
Initiation of a transaction triggering the redirect of the consumer to the eps system. |
See get-url samples |
debit |
Created during payment processing and finalized after consumer TAN confirmation/cancel etc. using eps system payment confirmation. |
See debit samples |
Reference Transaction
For additional information regarding referenced transaction functionality, see Cross-Payment-Methods Referencing. |
When using eps-Überweisung, some banks do not transmit consumer data (e.g. account details) to Wirecard Payment Gateway. As these fields are mandatory for a refund (e.g. via SEPA Credit Transfer), the merchant is obliged to provide the consumer data to guarantee a successful refund. |
Test Credentials
URL (Endpoint) |
For transaction type get-url |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
1f629760-1a66-4f83-a6b4-6a35620b4a6d |
Username |
16390-testing |
Password |
3!3013=D3fD8X7 |
Ärzte- und Apotheker Bank |
Login Data |
Just click to continue - no input needed. |
or |
Stuzza Bank |
Login Data |
Please contact Merchant Support for complete test credentials. |
The merchant sends a get-url request to Wirecard and receives a response which contains either the URL of the consumers online banking system (if BIC is provided in the request) or the eps bank selection page, to which the consumer must be redirected. The consumer is redirected back to merchants shop after the transaction is approved and the merchant receives a debit payment notification from Wirecard Payment Gateway. |
Consumer adds items to their shopping basket.
Consumer selects eps-Überweisung.
The merchant sends a get-url request to Wirecard Payment Gateway.
Wirecard Payment Gateway processes and validates the transaction.
Wirecard Payment Gateway forwards the request to eps-Überweisung.
eps-Überweisung provides the URL of the consumer’s online banking account for payment verification.
Wirecard Payment Gateway processes the response.
Wirecard Payment Gateway redirects the consumer to the provided online banking URL.
Consumer verifies the payment within the personal online banking system.
eps-Überweisung transfers funds from the consumer’s bank account to the merchant’s bank account.
eps-Überweisung sends a payment notification to the Wirecard Payment Gateway.
Wirecard Payment Gateway processes the notification and sends the payment debit notification to the merchant.
The merchant receives the notification with the payment result.
eps-Überweisung & giropay
SO implemented interlink to eps-giropay scheme in Germany. If the merchant’s contract allows to process those interoperability transactions, all eps-giropay participating banks in Germany can also be reached with a technical eps-Überweisung transaction.
Supporting banks can be chosen by the consumer during bank selection on the SO bank selection page.
More information according eps-giropay interoperability: https://eservice.stuzza.at/de/haendler/eps-ueberweisung/eps-giropay-interoperabilitaet.html
Restrictions are
Shop does not support bank selection, only the SO bank selection is supported for giropay banks.
Max. 10.000 EUR guaranteed for single payment initiation (amount can be higher than 10.000 EUR).
Remittance identifier limited to 35 characters for structured purpose or 140 characters for unstructured purpose (See field descriptor).
Retrieve Payment Details
Since eps-Überweisung is an asynchronous payment method, the consumers payment data is provided asynchronously via a server 2 server notification from eps system.
To retrieve buyers detail payment data the merchant must query payment data after receiving a debit notification or the redirect of the consumer back to the shop system from eps/online banking system.
The debit payment returned as query result will contain consumer’s payment details such as
account holder data
buyer’s bank account data
The data is included only if the consumer’s bank provided the data in the final bank notification for successful payment. It is not mandatory for banks to send this data.
Therefore, it is required to process a payment query using WPG Rest interface after the shop system received a debit payment notification or the consumer has been redirected to the shop.
See Retrieve a Transaction for further information about retrieving transaction details.
The fields used for eps-Überweisung requests, responses and notifications are the same as the ReST API Fields. Please refer to the REST API field list. Only the fields listed below have different properties, especially according to size.
The following elements are mandatory (M), optional (O) or conditional (C) for a request/response/notification. If the respective cell is empty, the field is disregarded or not sent.
Field | Cardinality | Data Type | Size | Description |
descriptor |
O |
xs:string |
140 |
The remittance identifier. Limit of 35 characters for structured purpose or 140 characters for unstructured purpose. Applied only if not already configured during merchant setup. Supports only limited character set: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - € $ § % ! = # ~ ; + / ? : ( ) . , ' & > < " * { } [ ] @ \ _ ° ^ | Ä Ö Ü ä ö ü ß Space |
eps-Überweisung returns coded payment method URLs in the response! When you perform a test transaction, the <payment-method url> that
is returned in the XML Response is encoded and cannot be used directly.
You must decode the URL first to link to the correct page. You can use
any tool that decodes URLs. Maybe you want to try Coder’s Toolbox,
available at:
get-url with Bank Selection in Merchant Shop
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.99</requested-amount>
<payment-method name="eps" />
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
<status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information" />
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.99</requested-amount>
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<payment-method url="https://www.banking.co.at/appl/ebp/logout/so/loginPrepare/eps.html?resource=93&demo=true&cai=%2BHJZzHQsnOsTvOQB4NGO2ZdynZnjeHAYoKMckVWetFzZ*aitpauMmMRh*FPQsSGNuLUK3VoY-" name="eps" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
<status code="201.0000" description="eps:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.99</requested-amount>
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<payment-method name="eps"/>
<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"/>
<Reference URI="">
<Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>
<DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>
<X509SubjectName>L=Ascheim,,CN=api-test.wirecard.com,OU=Operations,O=Wirecard Technologies GmbH,C=DE</X509SubjectName>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
<payment-method name="eps" />
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
<status code="400.1011" description="The Requested Amount has not been provided. Please check your input and try again." severity="error" />
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<payment-method name="eps" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.99</requested-amount>
<payment-method name="eps" />
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
<status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information" />
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.99</requested-amount>
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<payment-method url="https://www.banking.co.at/appl/ebp/logout/so/loginPrepare/eps.html?resource=93&demo=true&cai=%2BYiQ3JORlRQkhYtFdXQg1LEy5ZKS4HQOgZCQ2Zxe3Lgt*akvra3WhjhP*OABmBli6TVsxDAB-" name="eps" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
<status code="500.1127" description="eps:Failed confirmation received from the third party." severity="error"/>
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.990000</requested-amount>
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<payment-method name="eps"/>
<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"/>
<Reference URI="">
<Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>
<DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>
<X509SubjectName>L=Ascheim,,CN=api-test.wirecard.com,OU=Operations,O=Wirecard Technologies GmbH,C=DE</X509SubjectName>
get-url with Bank Selection in eps-Überweisung SO System
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.99</requested-amount>
<payment-method name="eps" />
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
<status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information" />
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.99</requested-amount>
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<payment-method url="https://routing.eps.or.at/appl/epsSO-test/transinit/bankauswahl_prepare.html?lang=de&caiSO=%2BN286OxTdZBMsBmkFBeXPBwup" name="eps" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
<status code="201.0000" description="eps:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.99</requested-amount>
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<payment-method name="eps"/>
<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"/>
<Reference URI="">
<Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>
<DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>
<X509SubjectName>L=Ascheim,,CN=api-test.wirecard.com,OU=Operations,O=Wirecard Technologies GmbH,C=DE</X509SubjectName>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
<payment-method name="eps" />
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
<status code="400.1011" description="The Requested Amount has not been provided. Please check your input and try again." severity="error" />
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${unique for each request}"/>
<payment-method name="eps" />
Query Result
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction" self="https://api-test.wirecard.com/engine/rest/merchants/184bcc34-82ea-4f67-94d6-dc782ab86da3/payments/1e12e5ef-2ebe-4b46-962d-d93ae51a2a07">
<merchant-account-id ref="https://api-test.wirecard.com/engine/rest/config/merchants/184bcc34-82ea-4f67-94d6-dc782ab86da3">184bcc34-82ea-4f67-94d6-dc782ab86da3</merchant-account-id>
<request-id>${get-url request-id}</request-id>
<status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information" provider-transaction-id="209991804202AIL-00DCH62Y5QXC"/>
<requested-amount currency="EUR">1.990000</requested-amount>
<notification url="https://www.yourshop.at/notifications?REQUESTID=${get-url request-id}"/>
<payment-method name="eps"/>
Wirecard Payment Page v2
Wirecard Payment Page v1 is no longer supported. We recommend using Wirecard Payment Page v2 integration instead. If you have questions about your existing Wirecard Payment Page v1 integration, consult our REST API integration guide.
General Information
This is a reference page for eps. Here you find all the information necessary for integrating this payment method into your Hosted and Embedded Payment Page.
Are you unfamiliar with Wirecard Payment Page v2 (WPP v2)?
Visit one of the integration guides
Embedded) for a quick explanation and
a step-by-step guide before continuing.
All WPP v2 integrations share a common process flow for creating payments.
Below, you find example requests for the available transaction type debit, including field lists with short descriptions.
These requests are designed for the testing environment and do not use real information.
For production, you need to use production credentials. For details contact merchant support. |
All given requests return successful responses.
For more details on the redirect-url
, see the
Configuring Redirects and IPNs for WPP v2
For response verification examples, see the WPP v2 Security section.
About eps
eps-Überweisung (electronic payment standard), eps for short, is an online payment method provided to consumers of Austrian banks. eps utilizes the established popular payment methods for online shopping in Austria. eps is one of the most popular payment methods for online shopping in Austria.
The eps e-payment standard is the interface between online payment systems for irrevocable payments, adopted by online shops as well as public authorities like E-Government.
Selecting a bank in a merchant’s web store, the consumer is redirected from the merchant’s web store to their bank’s online banking window.
If no bank is selected in the merchant’s web store, the bank selection is done during redirect and the consumer is redirected to their bank’s online banking window after selecting a bank from the SO (Scheme Operator, central routing instance for eps) bank list.
Successfully logging on to their respective account using their account number and PIN, the consumer needs to confirm the transaction using a TAN.
After the consumer has confirmed the payment with TAN (or other commonly used approval mechanism within internet banking), eps confirms the payment-sending payment result and details to the PSP system.
The consumer clicks the "Back to shop" link in the online banking window and is redirected back to the merchant’s web shop.
Banks Participating in eps-Überweisung
Bank Austria
Erste Bank und Sparkassen
Raiffeisen Bankengruppe Österreich
Volksbank Gruppe
Oberbank AG
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International AG
HYPO NOE LB für Niederösterreich u. Wien
Hypo Tirol Bank AG
Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG
HYPO Oberösterreich,Salzburg,Steiermark
HYPO-BANK BURGENLAND Aktiengesellschaft
Österreichische Ärzte- und Apothekerbank
Bankhaus Carl Spängler & Co.AG
Bankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera AG
Easybank AG
Schoellerbank AG
Sparda Bank Wien
Volkskreditbank AG
Austrian Anadi Bank AG
Capital Bank Grawe Gruppe AG
Brüll Kallmus Bank AG
Marchfelder Bank
giropay interoperability
SO-implemented interlink to eps-giropay scheme in Germany. If the merchant’s contract allows to process those interoperability transactions, all eps-giropay participating banks in Germany can also be reached with a technical eps transaction. To enable giropay interoperability, the merchant has to register giropay directly with eps. In some cases, this is a free add-on. If giropay is activated by eps, the bank selection page shows the German bank institutes next to the Austrian ones.
Test Credentials
Test Credentials for Transaction Type debit.
URI (Endpoint) |
Merchant Account ID (MAID) |
1f629760-1a66-4f83-a6b4-6a35620b4a6d |
Username |
16390-testing |
Password |
3!3013=D3fD8X7 |
Secret Key (used for response verification) |
20c6a95c-e39b-4e6a-971f-52cfb347d359 |
Ärzte- und Apotheker Bank |
Login data |
Click to continue - no input needed. |
or |
Stuzza Bank |
Login data |
On request available from merchant support. |
Transaction Type debit
A debit transaction charges the account holder’s bank account with the specified amount and transfers it immediately.
For a successful debit transaction:
Create a payment session (initial request).
Redirect the consumer to the payment page (initial response URL).
Highly recommended: Parse and process the payment response.
We provide ready-made JSON examples for each step of this process. You find them below.
Endpoint for eps transactions.
The initial request creates the payment session. If it is successful, you receive a URL as a response which redirects to the payment form.
Authorization |
Basic MTYzOTAtdGVzdGluZzozITMwMTM9RDNmRDhYNw== |
Content-Type |
application/json |
"payment": {
"merchant-account-id": {
"value": "1f629760-1a66-4f83-a6b4-6a35620b4a6d"
"request-id": "{{$guid}}",
"transaction-type": "debit",
"requested-amount": {
"value": "62.34",
"currency": "EUR"
"payment-methods": {
"payment-method": [
"name": "eps"
"bank-account": {
"iban": "AT123456789012345678",
"bic": "BWFBATW1XXX"
"account-holder" : {
"first-name" : "Iam T.",
"last-name" : "Shopper"
"descriptor": "Here are the details to your payment. Thank you for shopping!",
"order-number": "7171456",
"locale": "AT",
"notifications": {
"notification": [
"url": "https://example.com/ipn.php"
"success-redirect-url": "https://demoshop-test.wirecard.com/demoshop/#/success",
"cancel-redirect-url": "https://demoshop-test.wirecard.com/demoshop/#/cancel",
"fail-redirect-url": "https://demoshop-test.wirecard.com/demoshop/#/error"
Field (JSON) | Data Type | Cardinality | Size | Description | ||
merchant-account-id |
value |
String |
Mandatory |
36 |
A unique identifier assigned
to every merchant account (by Wirecard). You receive a unique
request-id |
String |
Mandatory |
150 |
A unique identifier assigned to every request
(by merchant). Used when searching for or referencing it later.
Allowed characters: [a-z0-9-_] |
transaction-type |
String |
Mandatory |
n/a |
The requested transaction type. For
eps payments, the transaction-type must be set to |
requested-amount |
value |
Numeric |
Mandatory |
18.2 |
The full amount that is requested/contested in a transaction. 2 decimal digits allowed. Use . (decimal point) as the separator. |
currency |
String |
Mandatory |
3 |
The currency of the requested/contested transaction amount. Format: 3-character abbreviation according to ISO 4217. |
payment-methods |
payment-method |
name |
String |
Mandatory |
15 |
The name of the
payment method used. Set this value to |
bank-account |
bic |
String |
Optional |
8 or 11 |
The bank identifier code (BIC) of the account owner (consumer). Allowed characters and format: ([a-zA-Z]{4}[a-zA-Z]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}([a-zA-Z0-9]{3}) |
iban |
String |
Optional |
34 |
The international bank account number (IBAN) of the account owner (consumer). Allowed characters and format: [a-zA-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{7}([a-zA-Z0-9]?){0,16} |
account-holder |
first-name |
String |
Optional |
32 |
The first name of the account holder. |
last-name |
String |
Mandatory |
32 |
The last name of the account holder. |
descriptor |
String |
Optional |
140 |
The descriptor is the text representing an order on the bank statement issued to your consumer by their bank. It provides information for the consumer, as it associates a specific debit on the consumer’s account to a specific purchase in your shop. Limit of 35 characters for structured purpose or 140 characters for unstructured purpose. Applied only if not already configured during merchant setup. Supports only limited character set: [a-zA-Z0-9], € - $ § % ! = # ~ ; + / ? : ( ) . , ' & > < " * { } [ ] @ \ _ ° ^ | Ä Ö Ü ä ö ü ß The space key. |
order-number |
String |
Optional |
32 |
Merchant-side order number. Allowed characters: [a-zA-Z0-9+] |
locale |
String |
Optional |
2 |
A 2-letter code which indicates what language the payment page is rendered in (ISO 639-1). |
notification-url |
String |
Optional |
256 |
The URL to which Wirecard Payment Gateway sends the transaction outcome. |
success-redirect-url |
String |
Mandatory |
2000 |
The URL to which the consumer
is redirected after a successful payment,
e.g. |
fail-redirect-url |
String |
Mandatory |
2000 |
The URL to which the consumer is
redirected after a failed payment,
e.g. |
cancel-redirect-url |
String |
Mandatory |
2000 |
The URL to which the consumer
is redirected after having canceled a payment,
e.g. |
"payment-redirect-url": "https://wpp-test.wirecard.com/processing?wPaymentToken=6SHxrNo6Pfwa_gLiCadCgMDmj2U9SpvzdvhG8gNQ_gA"
Field (JSON) | Data Type | Description |
payment-redirect-url |
String |
The URL which redirects to the payment form. Sent as a response to the initial request. |
At this point, you need to redirect your consumer to
(or render it in an iframe depending on your
integration method).
Consumers are redirected to the payment form. There they enter their data and submit the form to confirm the payment. A payment can be:
successful (
transaction-state: success
), -
failed (
transaction-state: failed
), -
canceled. The consumer canceled the payment before/after submission (
transaction-state: failed
The transaction result is the value of transaction-state
in the
payment response. More details (including the status code) can also be
found in the payment response in the statuses
object. Canceled
payments are returned as failed, but the
status description
indicates it was canceled.
In any case (unless the consumer cancels the transaction on a 3rd party provider page), a base64 encoded response containing payment information is sent to the configured redirection URL. See Configuring Redirects and IPNs for WPP v2 for more details on redirection targets after payment & transaction status notifications.
You can find a decoded payment response example below.
"payments": {
"payment": {
"merchant-account-id": "557c767b-92a6-4b74-98c0-233025ba016b",
"transaction-id": "0635ef01-5448-4df8-8fd6-29fd8ef7a5e3",
"request-id": "61108925-0944-40a1-b2af-1ed291e16e49",
"transaction-type": "debit",
"transaction-state": "success",
"completion-time-stamp": "2018-08-29T13:06:40.000Z",
"statuses": {
"status": [
"code": "201.0000",
"description": "The resource was successfully created.",
"severity": "information"
"requested-amount": {
"currency": "EUR",
"text": "62.340000"
"parent-transaction-id": "1051f70d-941f-4e1c-ba05-eaf9a705fe8d",
"order-number" : "7171456",
"account-holder": {
"first-name": "Iam T.",
"last-name": "Shopper"
"payment-methods": {
"payment-method": {
"name": "eps"
"bank-account": {
"iban": "AT302099900001123488",
"bic": "SPBAAT20XXX"
"api-id": "{api-id]",
"locale": "at",
"descriptor" : "Here are the details to your payment. Thank you for shopping!",
"notifications": {
"notification": [
"url": "https://example.com/ipn.php"
"success-redirect-url": "https://demoshop-test.wirecard.com/demoshop/#/success",
"cancel-redirect-url": "https://demoshop-test.wirecard.com/demoshop/#/cancel",
"fail-redirect-url": "https://demoshop-test.wirecard.com/demoshop/#/error"
Field (JSON) | Data Type | Description | ||
merchant-account-id |
String |
A unique identifier assigned to every merchant account (by Wirecard). You receive a unique merchant account ID for each payment method. |
transaction-id |
String |
A unique identifier assigned to every transaction. Used when searching for or referencing it later. |
request-id |
String |
A unique identifier assigned by the merchant to each request. Used when searching for or referencing it later. |
transaction-type |
String |
The requested transaction type. Must be |
transaction-state |
String |
The current transaction state. Possible values:
Typically, a transaction starts with state in-progress and finishes with state either success or failed. This information is returned in the response only. |
completion-time-stamp |
DateTime |
The UTC/ISO time-stamp documents the time and date when the transaction was executed. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (ISO). |
status |
code |
String |
Status code of the status message. |
description |
String |
The description of the transaction status message. Click here for a complete list of status descriptions. |
severity |
String |
The definition of the status message. Possible values:
requested-amount |
currency |
String |
The currency of the requested/contested transaction amount. |
value |
Numeric |
The full amount that was requested/contested in the transaction. |
parent-transaction-id |
String |
The ID of the transaction being referenced as a parent. As a debit transaction is internally split into sub-transactions, the parent-transaction-id serves to link these sub-transactions. |
order-number |
String |
Merchant-side order number as set in the request. |
account-holder |
first-name |
String |
The first name of the account holder. |
last-name |
String |
The last name of the account holder. |
ip-address |
String |
The internet protocol address of the account holder as recorded by the entity receiving the transaction attempt from the account holder. Supported IP versions: IPv4 and IPv6. |
payment-methods |
payment-method |
name |
String |
The name of the payment method used. |
bank-account |
iban |
String |
The international bank account number (IBAN) of the account holder. |
bic |
String |
The bank identifier code (BIC) of the account holder. |
api-id |
String |
Identifier of the currently used API. |
locale |
String |
A code which indicates what language the payment page is rendered in (according to ISO 639-1). |
descriptor |
String |
The descriptor is the text representing an order on the bank statement issued to your consumer by their bank. It provides information for the consumer, as it associates a specific debit on the consumer’s account to a specific purchase in your shop. |
notification-url |
String |
The URL to which Wirecard Payment Gateway sends the transaction outcome. |
success-redirect-url |
String |
The URL to which the consumer is redirected after a successful payment, e.g. https://demoshop-test.wirecard.com/demoshop/#/success |
fail-redirect-url |
String |
The URL to which the consumer is redirected after an unsuccessful payment, e.g. https://demoshop-test.wirecard.com/demoshop/#/error |
cancel-redirect-url |
String |
The URL to which the consumer is redirected after having cancelled a payment, e.g. https://demoshop-test.wirecard.com/demoshop/#/cancel |
Transaction Type refund
Basically, eps with WPP v2 supports debit only. For refunds, use SEPA Credit Transfer (if SEPA Credit Transfer is activated for your merchant account) through our REST API.
You must provide the necessary data:
: This is the transaction ID of the preceding debit. You can gather it from the response to a successful debit. -
(can be either the total amount for refunding the full amount, or a partial amount for a partial refund).
If the parent-transaction-id
is not available, the following fields
are mandatory:
(only required by some acquirers) -
(can be either the total amount for refunding the full amount, or a partial amount for a partial refund)
JSON/NVP Field Reference
NVP equivalents for JSON fields (for migrating merchants).
Here you can:
find the NVP equivalents for JSON fields (for migrating merchants),
see the structure of a full request (optional fields included).
"payment": {
"merchant-account-id": {
"value": "string"
"request-id": "string",
"transaction-type": "string",
"requested-amount": {
"currency": "string",
"value": "0"
"payment-methods": {
"payment-method": [
"name": "string"
"bank-account": {
"iban": "string",
"bic": "string"
"account-holder" : {
"first-name" : "string",
"last-name" : "string"
"descriptor": "string",
"order-number": "string",
"locale": "string",
"success-redirect-url": "string",
"fail-redirect-url": "string",
"cancel-redirect-url": "string"
Field (NVP) | Field (JSON) | JSON Parent |
merchant_account_id |
value |
merchant-account-id |
request_id |
request-id |
payment |
transaction_type |
transaction-type |
payment |
requested_amount_currency |
currency |
requested-amount |
requested_amount |
value |
requested-amount |
payment_method |
payment-method ([ ])/name |
payment-methods |
bank_account_bic |
bic |
bank-account |
bank_account_iban |
iban |
bank-account |
first_name |
first-name |
account-holder |
last_name |
last-name |
account-holder |
descriptor |
descriptor |
payment |
order_number |
order-number |
payment |
locale |
locale |
payment |
success_redirect_url |
success-redirect-url |
payment |
fail_redirect_url |
fail-redirect-url |
payment |
cancel_redirect_url |
cancel-redirect-url |
payment |
ip_address |
ip-address |
ip-address |
"api-id" : "string",
"parent-transaction-id" : "string",
"transaction-state" : "string",
"transaction-id" : "string",
"completion-time-stamp" : "2018-03-23T10:41:34",
"statuses" : {
"status" : [ {
"severity" : "string",
"code" : "string",
"description" : "string"
} ]
Field (NVP) | Field (JSON) | JSON Parent |
api_id |
api-id |
payment |
parent_transaction_id |
parent-transaction-id |
payment |
transaction_state |
transaction-state |
payment |
transaction_id |
transaction-id |
payment |
completion_time_stamp |
completion-time-stamp |
payment |
status_severity_n |
status ([ {} ])/ severity |
statuses |
status_code_n |
status ([ {} ])/ code |
statuses |
status_description_n |
status ([ {} ])/ description |
statuses |